Street School Festival
One Hug to change the world!
Once upon a time there was a young teacher working in primary and secondary schools in Athens. For years she noticed that there was a great gap in the connection between communities not only within the school, but also within the society that she was working in. She had a simple idea; what is this that connects people? Is it art, is it education, is it food, is it music, is it festivities? Or could all these be together? The answer provided the birth of one of our core activities; The Street School Festivals of Art & Acceptance, started by the name of “Love & Acceptance Festivals”.
The Street School Festivals is an action that had started in previous years as an innovative cultural program in various schools of Attica and in other regions in Greece.
The Festival has the following goals:
- To create a context that will give the educational community (students, teachers and parents) the opportunity to go “outside” the boundaries of the school building and interact with the Community.
- To gain visibility of all those good practices that are happening today in the Greek Public School, around the issue of human rights and against discrimination. Of course, private schools are also welcome in this action, but the organization emphasizes on tackling the stereotypes connected with public education.
- To bridge cultural differences and bring together all the people.
- To recommend those groups (organizations, collectives, artistic groups, etc.) that are already close to the Greek school in order to interact with its members around the issue of Human Rights and against discrimination, or offer services in places where there are vulnerable groups.
- To present different kinds of Art that most people are not familiar with.
- To have fun and make new friends.
We aim for the Athens Festival to act as a call for others to be organized in every corner of Greece.
1st School Street Festival of Art and Acceptance
Saturday 07/10/2017
2nd School Street Festival of Art and Acceptance
Saturday 02/06/2018